Category Archives: Uncategorized

Computing: Typing Club

Sapphire class will be spending the next term learning about typing in Computing! In our first lesson, students got the opportunity to learn proper typing techniques. Students will be practicing these skills in the following weeks computing lessons through The Typing Club website.

Spellings List – Spring 1 Week 2 – Spring 1 Week 3

Year 5 Spelling words, these will be tested in a random order so beware!











MUSIC – Learning the ‘Blues’ and Piano!

In Year 5, we are spending our first half-term, learning about the BLUES genre of music – how it evolved from songs used by slaves working in plantations… and how it came to influence and create nearly ALL other genres of music we enjoy today.

Here is the ‘master bluesman’, B.B. King, performing ‘One Shoe Blues‘; a brilliant example of Chicago Blues, to show us how using just a simple structure can form a POWERFUL song!

We are also gradually learning HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO! We only have a few keyboards available, so we have been using iPad apps and online websites to learn. Many children showed keen interest and some good skills so far, so below are some online websites we can LEARN TO PLAY PIANO on.

Go on, Year 5… have a try! Remember, we are practicing the C, F & G CHORDS. Do try those for yourselves!!

Welcome to Year 5!

Greetings to all children, parents and carers now in the Year 5 academic cohort!!

The Year 5 Team here, merely updating all on what to expect to be provided on the blog, moving forward…

Each week/s, we will be providing details of Homework and Class activities, so I would encourage everyone to SUBSCRIBE to the blog (see side bar on the right)! You will then receive an email announcing any updates we provide – something that is often helpful, especially for homework provision.

Speaking of such, Homework expectations for Year 5 are as follows:

A) WEEKLY SPELLINGS10 words taken from the (new to them) Year 5 & 6 statutory Spellings List. These will be uploaded on the blog, and provided to the relevant children each week, giving all 1 full week to learn before a test on Friday. Please check the blog each week for a Spelling List post.

B) DAILY READING – much as before in previous years, we expect ALL children to read a provided ‘home book’ of an appropriate level, each and every night (INCLUDING weekends). Recommendations are for 20 to 30 mins minimum… at this stage, most children are approaching being fluent readers, so we encourage parents to still read with children where possible, but more importantly, to also question their children about what they have read, after finishing their daily reading. We will, bi-weekly, provide READING QUESTIONS on the blog, for this purpose – daily questions that encourage children to think and explain aspects of writing and reading, that are essential for their learning and development.

Please do check every other week on this blog for the Reading Question posts – they should help to take the guess-work out of what to encourage our pupils to consider when reading!

C) TTRS is now no longer ‘HOMEWORK’… after all their magnificent effort in Year 4!!

But… we will STILL have weekly, inter-class competitive tournaments (Thursday to Thursday) each and every week, with Top Five Scorers receiving merits and the outcomes announced every Friday, on the blog. While we cannot insist on this being homework this year, pupils will be heavily ‘ENCOURAGED’ to achieve at least 200 POINTS EACH WEEK… with possible firm ‘nagging’, if such is not achieved. After all the work last year, and given the HUGE importance of times table skills in all areas of Maths, we feel we must keep pushing our pupils to KEEP ON PRACTICING!!

Thank you for all your efforts to support our pupils so far, and please do SUBSCRIBE to the blog for further updates and information,

The Year 5 Team